
WBLRA Ongoing Campaign

In 2012, with ever declining White Bear Lake water levels, a group of concerned citizens formed the non-profit White Bear Lake Restoration Association (WBLRA). The sole goal of WBLRA is to protect White Bear Lake from further degradation due to low water levels and ensure its vitality for generations to come. Undisputed science from major studies commissioned by the DNR in 1998, 2004, 2011 and 2016 all confirm high capacity municipal water pumping has a direct and material impact on the water levels of White Bear Lake. Despite overwhelming evidence, the DNR did not change its ways.

In order to pay for ongoing litigation costs and expert witness fees, WBLRA raised over $400,000 from members and friends of White Bear Lake to bring the DNR to trial. Donations from all over the country helped WBLRA get its day in court for the month of March 2017.

In August 2017 Ramsey County Judge Marinnan’s decision was a resounding David vs. Goliath victory for WBLRA and its members!

White Bear homeowners win suit against DNR over lake levels; ruling could spell big changes

Judge Rules Against State in White Bear Lake Case – Minneapolis Star Tribune, August 31, 2017

However, late in 2017, the MN DNR filed an appeal against Judge Marrinan’s decision. Court proceedings on the appeal begin in January 2018. So the buttle continues and WBLRA is in it for the long haul. Are you?

DNR Appeals White Bear Lake Lawsuit Ruling – White Bear Press, Oct. 4, 2017

Please join as a Member of WBLRA to demonstrate your support of a healthy and vital WBLRA!